(226) 363-0476 / +1 866 456 0402

"What is being used on my feet?"

One of the most important questions we should be asking ourselves is “What is being used on my feet?” and “How is that being cleaned?”

We love our spas and our nail techs… But… Are they following best practice guidelines for foot care tools?

Have you ever been soaking in your comfy massage chair, while soaking your feet in a tub that has just sprayed in between clients and your now sharing whatever was in the tubes of that system? Not Fun and scary for your foot health! We call that “FUNGAL SOUP” yummy…
How about talking to the lovely lady sitting beside me, then happening to look down and see her giant yellow thick fungal nails. You start to breath heavy… Then you see the nail tech place the tools used on her in some quick liquid soak and under some weird microwave machine with led lights. Oh Boy!

These are all things that you should be concerned about. Infections of the skin and nail can easily be transmitted to others or YOU!
We at AFCN follow the stricted gold standards and Public Health guidelines. We have a sterilization room. All our tools are precleaned, go thru an ultrasonic cleaner, then individually packaged into an Autoclave. We test our autoclave daily with Biological Indicators. We also use

Level 5 indicators with each load every time. We have policies and procedure manuals and directives in place. ALL FOR YOU. We want your feet and health safe.

It’s very costly to follow the rules for tools set out by Public Health. It requires a very expensive autoclave, packaging, indicators and policies as well as the dedicated time to process. ALL of our staff has taken the reprocessing course. We also have A diploma Reprocessing Technician on staff.

Other places or even other foot care nurses or clinic may therefore not be doing what they are supposed to. I urge you to ask to see the logs and evidence of a cleanroom to sterilize their tools. Ask them about their employment history. 5 Foot care clinic in Windsor/Essex County were shut down, those foot nurse contracted providers are out there somewhere lol.

Cheers to healthy and safe feet.