We carry top of the line 15-20mmhg and 20-30mmhg, 30-40mmhg.
Compression socks, thigh his and pantyhose. We have professional certified fitters on staff and welcome walk-ins.
Covered by most insurance plans.
Socks are custom fit and non-returnable. They are custom hygienic item.
Free Custom Fittings in the comfort of your own Home or in Office.
We assist with all insurance company billing.
$150.00 Knee
$200.00 Thigh
$220.00 Pantyhose
Wondering why people wear compression socks?
This miracle compression can help prevent vein conditions like spider and varicose veins or swelling of the feet and calves. They can also help alleviate conditions that have already begun to develop like swollen ankles, achy legs, pain, fatigue, restless legs and nighttime cramping.
The conditions mentioned can occur for a variety of reasons, including a person’s profession (doctors and nurses are especially prone to foot swelling), or medical conditions including diabetes and heart disease. If this is a new symptom for you, we encourage you to contact your doctor to eliminate anything serious.
Walk-Ins welcome!
We have 6 certified Compression fitters on staff to assist you and incredible selection of Socks for any style
Our LUNATIK compression socks are amazing!
We offer FREE Clinic and mobile home medical compression fittings, and we bill Greenshield directly.
Who can benefit from compression garments?
Research-based evidence shows that compression socks and leggings can help reduce the buildup of lactic acid and aid with muscle recovery. They are ideal for prolonged standing, sitting and long distance travel since they help aid in the prevention of spider veins and swelling.
Compression garments are ideal for those who:
- Sit or stand for long periods of time
- Are pregnant
- Suffer from tired, aching, or swollen legs
- Are overweight
- Have circulation ailments
- Have had surgery
- Are a performance athlete
- I’d say they are the perfect prescription for tired, achy legs
Do you know what I mean under services and compression therapy add that there are three different brands.