(226) 363-0476 / +1 866 456 0402


Most people would love to have beautiful, perfectly pedicured toenails. However, certain medical complications make this impossible. Fortunately, your Advanced Foot Nurse can help you. A technique called Nail Reconstruction can restore unsightly nails to their former beauty with just one quick visit to the foot nurse.

What is Nail Reconstruction?

The Nail Reconstruction system is a non-surgical, non-invasive, completely safe cosmetic procedure designed to correct the damage done to toenails by certain podiatric conditions. uses a unique, synthetic resin gel to create an artificial toenail that looks just like a healthy, natural toenail.

After preparation of the nail bed, your Advanced Foot Nurse will apply the special formula to create a non-porous but flexible artificial nail. This allows you to enjoy beautiful feet while also allowing your nail bed the time it needs to re-grow a new, healthy, natural nail.

Are You a Candidate for Nail Reconstruction?

Most people who have been seeing their foot professional for conditions or deformities that affect the appearance of their toenails can benefit from the nail reconstruction procedure. Conditions that may cause problems with toenail appearance include:

  • Foot fungus
  • Oddly shaped nails due to natural structure or as a result of injury
  • Weak or brittle nails
  • Split toenails


How long will the new nail last for?

Nail reconstruction is not a permanent solution.

Length of time that the reconstructed nail will last will always vary from person to person.The average length of time is approximately 6-8 weeks (sometimes longer)

and the reconstructed nail is then removed and replaced with the specialist gel

How is this different from the gel nails offered in a nail salon?

The process by which the gel is applied and hardened using UV light is the same but this is where the similarity then ends for the following reasons

  • The reconstructed nail is described as a prosthetic. It is not an acrylic nail and is designed to be the same as a natural nail.
  • The gel used for nail reconstruction is a flexible product and nail salons uses hard finished products on fingernails. The gel used for toenails needs to be flexible to allow the toenail to move with the natural movements of the toe. This allows the reconstructed nail to last longer and not lift.
  • The gel used has anti fungal properties. This means that for those nails which are affected by fungal infection treatment is ongoing whilst the nail is worn.
  • Nail reconstruction is undertaken by a trained professional.
  • The gel is suitable for diabetics and those with no nail present at all.
  • The nail that is reconstructed does not damage the natural nail and not will it restrict growth of the natural nail.

Additionally, if you have discoloration in one or more of your toenails because of a foot condition, the Nail Reconstruction System may be able to help you restore the natural appearance of your nail bed.

It only takes about 10-15 minutes per nail to apply the restoration product and there have been absolutely no reported adverse effects from the treatment. You can even continue to apply nail polish and remover just as you would with your natural nail.

If you are looking for a foot nurse to help you with your nail problems, or if you have other foot concerns, contact us today.