(226) 363-0476 / +1 866 456 0402

Understanding the Causes of Heel Pain: Seeking Relief and Treatment

Heel pain is a common foot ailment that affects individuals of all ages and activity levels. It can vary in intensity and may range from a mild discomfort to a debilitating condition hindering daily activities. As a trusted provider of foot care, cracked heel treatment, and orthopaedic solutions, Advanced Foot Care Nurse and Wellness Centre understands the importance of identifying the root causes of heel pain and providing appropriate treatments to alleviate discomfort.

Do not Ignore the Signs of Neuropathy in Feet – Listen to Your Body

Neuropathy in the feet, a condition characterized by nerve damage, is a serious condition that affects millions of people worldwide. However, often overlooked or mistaken for other ailments, the signs of neuropathy in the feet can go unnoticed until the symptoms become severe.

Corn Care: Nurturing Feet for Optimal Health

Corn Care Nurturing Feet for Optimal Health_cleanup

When it comes to maintaining our overall well-being, it’s essential not to overlook the health of our feet. Corns, a common foot condition, can cause discomfort and impact our daily activities. In this article, we will explore the causes, prevention, and proper care techniques to ensyure your feet stay healthy and corn-free.

Footcare Nursing: A Vital Aspect of Holistic Healthcare

Footcare Nursing A Vital Aspect of Holistic Healthcare

Proper foot care is often overlooked, but it plays a crucial role in overall health and well-being. Footcare nursing has emerged as a specialized branch of healthcare dedicated to addressing foot-related issues, promoting preventative care, and restoring mobility.



Did you know, most Greenshield and other provider plans now have a “health care spending account” that can be used for nursing foot care?

This means you do NOT need to be diabetic and care does NOT need to be in home for foot care services to be covered when using this spending account.

Are you aware of your “Health Care Spending Account” through your provider?

Onyfix Nail Correction System

Onyfix is the newest technology used to treat ingrown and involuted toenails using a composite nail brace that reshapes the nail and ensures natural nail growth.At our AFCN foot clinics, our Foot Nurses will create and adapt an individualised system that treats your ingrown or involuted (pincer) nail. Onyfix acts as a composite brace allowing the nail to reshape and naturally grow out. The entire process is pain-free, from start to finish.Ingrown or involuted toenails can be painful and cause many complications. Onyfix provides an alternative solution for patients who may not be suited for ingrown nail surgery, needle phobia, diabetic, pregnant or breast feeding, age, vascular disease etc.