
- Janis Boudreau
Fungal infections of the toenails — also known as Onychomycosis — don’t go away on their own, and if left untreated, the fungus will spread and can eventually destroy the nail.
It can take between 12 and 24 months for the appearance of the affected nail to return to normal, and in some cases, the nail may not look the same as before the infection.
a white or yellow streak on one side of the nail
scaling under the nail
the end of the nail lifting and not securely fitting to the toe or finger
damage or destruction of nail
feeling of an ingrown nail
a build-up of debris under the nail
the nail splitting or thickening
If you notice changes to the skin or nails of the feet, you should seek the advice of a qualified Foot Health Practitioner to ensure early anti-fungal treatment.
It can be quite embarrassing to have a fungal nail infection.
So you cover them up more, which ironically is the worst environment for them!!!! Pedicurists often will say it’s just thick nails and keep on painting them.
Nail infections are pretty common though, with a reasonable percentage of the population having them.
They can be treated, although complete resolution is a challenge. The most successful plan in our clinics is using the ToeFX Fungal Nail Treatment System! For two years we have seen great results with clients.
Although the media will often tell you about the miracle product that you can buy to “banish those fungal nails in days”.
I can tell you now, that it takes longer. You will need to keep infected nails reduced, treat your shoes and apply an anti-fungal twice daily.
A fungal infection of the nail may affect part of the nail, the entire nail, or several nails.
So what can we do?
Well, assuming that you accept its like a problem and you actually want to treat it, we can start simply by keeping the nails cared for on a regular basis.
If they are thick, then we make them much thinner.
If they have a fungal infection on top, then we remove that infection by drastic reduction. Leaving a nail that is infected just infects a new nail trying to come in.
There are more intensive things we need to do. Even removing the infected nail completely. This makes pedicure happy and clients used to cover the problem, sadly. But treatment is essential and we offer great treatment plans.
Whatever you choose, it’s important for you to know this:
They can be difficult to treat, and sometimes maintenance is the best option and continual removal of infected nails.
It ultimately comes down to how much of a problem it is for you and what other risks exist.
The fungus among us.. over 70% of the population suffers from toenail fungus. We have a solution! Health Canada approved
pain-free with no side effects. You can have clear toenails by summer if we start treatment now.
The problem of nail fungus is everywhere, It can affect you whether you’re young or old and if you’re sick or healthy!
We have noticed in our clinics and home visits there are a large number of clients who are in denial in regards to having fungus on their nails altogether. They have been perhaps told by their salon or another non-medical opinion to “not worry about it”. You’re just getting old are your nails are just yellowing. Or “it will go away on its own”.
The fungus may begin in one area on your nail and on just one toe.
It takes no time to infect other areas and can affect other toes and the skin in the area.
Prompt treatment is necessary! So let’s get started.
Even if you’ve let it go on for years do not be afraid to do something about it now. As Footcare professionals our first line of treatment is general nail care which includes the thinning down of the diseased or thick nail plate. When nails are thick yellow and crumbling they can be causing more damage than good. We have seen people think they have ingrown nails when actuality it was pieces of a fungal nail digging into the side!
Is toenail fungus really such a problem?
If you’re thinking you can just live with it, we don’t advise letting toenail fungus go untreated. It’s an insidious problem, and without treatment, you have to deal with the discomfort of the nail as well as feel conscious about its unsightliness.
If you let a nail fungus infection go for too long, several problems emerge. The infected nail can become misshapen and increasingly separated from your nail bed. Itching and pain are unpleasant side effects; if they’re too severe, you can have trouble wearing shoes or walking.
You need to be especially attentive to treating toenail fungus if your immune system is compromised. If you’re living with diabetes, it’s critical not to ignore the fungus. Even a mild infection like this can snowball into something more serious, like cellulitis, a severe bacterial skin infection.
Another problem is that untreated fungus eventually can spread to either neighboring toenails or to the skin of your foot, causing the athlete’s foot. Possibly the worst outcome of untreated nail fungus is needing to have your nail surgically removed.